Can you tell us about the origin of the band name, a history of the band and a little bit about the various members?
In the summer of 2018 one of our guitarists enters with a can of cola on a warm, sultry summer evening. Sweet and refreshing with date taste … “Dubai Coke” was born. And as this special combination of flavors suggests, “Dubai Coke” also has many musical influences. We had a lot of band changes in the beginning. It turned out to be particularly difficult to find a good drummer. But since this year we have also found a good one in Dr. Ben. and a little bit about the various members? Marcel aka Mr. Red Lead vocals also known as the clown writes most of the lyrics. And does a lot of the art work for the band.
Gerwin aka The Assassin guitarist. And computer expert. He arranges our website, Spotify. But sometimes he also mix our songs. He is very important for the sound of Dubai Coke.
Felix aka Butcher Boy Bass guitar and show stealer when on stage. With his brutal bloody appearance. Benjamin aka Dr. Ben is our latest is our latest acquisition. He started at Dubai Coke at the beginning of this year as a drummer and it clicked immediately. Benjamin has also been promoted to the band manager and arranges many of our performances.
Are you all from the same area? How did you get together as a band?
We all live in the groningen area. This is a province in the Netherlands. Groningen is also the city of many music festivals. For example, every year there is Eurosonic here. And Rammstein recently played here in the city park. We got to know each other in the local music and rehearsal rooms. Marcel previously sang in other punk rock bands. Gerwin and Felix were in other rock and cover bands. And Benjamin and Marcel are neighbors. Which he persuaded to join us.
Who are your favourite artists/bands and how have they influenced your own sound?
Oh man. That’s quite a difficult question. Because every band member really has their own influences and taste. But I think bands like ‘Nirvana, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, The Misfits, Danzig, Type O Negative, Metallica, Blink182 but also The Doors, Radiohead, David Bowie, Iggy Pop and other heroes definitely influence us and our sound.
Did you always have the ambition to be a musician and in a band or did you originally have other plans?
I always wanted to make music and sing. I started in my first band about 20 years ago. I still dream of doing a tour or being at a big festival. So who knows. But I actually love being on every stage. Playing with your friends is always a party.
Do you sing in the shower?
No, I don’t sing in the shower. Well when I’m in the car, or on the bike to work. I live with headphones on my head. Music is just as important to me as breathing and eating.
Do you have any plans for the band for this year and into next year?
We are busy organizing performances. It has become more difficult to get a place on a stage. After corona, many stages have also disappeared in the Netherlands. And organizers are more likely to choose big names. But we hope that venues and festivals will also give Dubai Coke a chance.
Do you currently have any new songs/albums ready to be released?
We are busy writing new work and recording our existing songs. We expect to release a complete album in the middle of next year.
If you could play at any venue in the world where would you choose?
A big festival like Burning Man in America seems fantastic to me. But secretly I would really like to play in the whisky a go go. Because there are a lot of my heroes from the 70s. Including Jim Morrison, but also Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix who all played there. That is real sacred ground.
Do you have a favourite album? If so, what is it?
Also a tricky question. Type O Negative’s album October Rust is an important album from my teenage years. But also The Doors Alive. Now I listen to Zeal and Ardor a lot.
Do you have any guilty pleasure songs/albums?
Oh dear, this is very bad. But I love watching the intros of old cartoons from the 80s and 90s on youtube. Like He-Man or Ghostbusters.. hahaha. I think I can still sing most of them.
If you were putting together the greatest show on earth, who would be playing?
I would prefer to choose a list of all my dead heroes. Jim Morrison, Kurt Kobain, Peter Steele. There is so much fantastic choice. But based on my spotify list at the moment: Zeal and Ardor, Slipknot, The Misfits (with Glenn) Goijira, Jinjer, Mushroomhead, Igorrr, Queens of the stonage, In this moment, Korn, Clutch, Rammstein, Placebo and Iggy Pop 😉 But maybe I’ll choose something else tomorrow
Can you remember the first album you bought with your own money? What was it and do you still have it?
I bought from my first paycheck of my newspaper route, the single Three little pigs from the band Green Jelly. I saw them on MTV’s Headbangers Ball and loved the video. My very first album was of Iron Maiden, Live after death. And the Maiden album I still have.
As your fans will be reading this, is there any message you would like to send out to them?
I would like to say; Keep going crazy and do your own thing. Whatever it is, do it with attention, love and do it together. And listen to Dubai Coke and hopefully we’ll see each other at a festival or stage sometime in the future.
Finally, let us know all your social media sites so your fans, old and new, can find and follow/like you!
We, at The Metal Asylum, would like to thank you for your time. Is there is anything further that you would like to add?
Thank you so much for this interview. I really enjoyed answering the questions. And thank you for your support to the metal scene and of course to us as a band. On behalf of Dubai Coke – Mr. Red

This interview is the property of The Metal Asylum